Teaching Materials

The Mirror of Race project was founded in part to make early photographs, as well as essays and commentary, freely available to all viewers. Our hope is that both the general public and teachers will use them for educational purposes.

To this end, the project intends to develop a variety of aids to assist teachers in using this site, whatever the educational level, from elementary school to graduate studies.

One example of this is the essay on this site by by Dominique Zino and students in one of her college writing classes, “On Seeing and Writing Together,” in which Zino explains the multi-media process by which she and her students collaborated on a project using the images in the Mirror of Rae collection.

If you are an educator and you would be interested in assisting us in developing teaching tools for Mirror of Race, or if you have questions about using this site for your own teaching, please contact us at  gregory.fried@bc.edu

Recommended links for teaching about race:

For a project that explores how to teach cultural identity through storytelling, we recommend Susan O’Halloran’s website.

For the film guide for Before the Trees Was Strange:  http://beforethetreeswasstrange.com/film-guide/