Browse Items (15 total)

  • Collection: Critical Analysis

Reclaiming Forced Labor.pdf
Juxtaposing an 1850 daguerreotype portrait of a slave, a painting by Jean-François Millet, a photograph by Lewis Hine, and a poem by Sterling Brown, this essay seeks to understand how, and under what conditions, even forced labor may be reclaimed and…

Visualizing the Color Line.pdf
A dis­cus­sion of the ambi­gu­ity of the color line in nineteenth-cen­tury visual rep­re­sen­ta­tions of race.

Seeing and Writing Together.pdf
This col­lab­o­ra­tive essay by a pro­fes­sor and her stu­dents in a col­lege writ­ing course demon­strates how the images in the Mir­ror of Race exhi­bi­tion may be used to teach research and reflec­tion on the mean­ing of race in Amer­i­can…

Black Civil War Portraiture.pdf
An inves­ti­ga­tion into the kinds of mean­ings that pho­to­graphic por­traits of black Civil War sol­diers had at the time of their mak­ing as well as some of the chal­lenges that such a recov­ery poses for his­to­ri­ans today.

What is the mean­ing of mid-nineteenth-cen­tury por­traits of white women with strange names, exotic cos­tumes, and wildly frizzed hair?

A white slave girl.pdf
A nar­ra­tive of dis­cov­ery about one of the first pho­tographs used to pro­mote the abo­li­tion­ist cause.
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